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About Web Hosters – Web-Hosters

About Web Hosters

Mission Statement is a web hosting service company that provides complete
cost efficient Internet solutions for small companies to large corporations.

Unlike others, we specialize on multi-OS application support and E-commerce software that really works. Therefore, we provide more capabilities and greater expertise that leads to a superior business website with the capability to run more applications receiving more quality traffic. For our customers, the result is a higher transaction rate, better service and support, higher return on investment and lower cost of ownership.


web hosters history


Web Hosters, a division of ComCity was formed in 1995. The company started out by creating the first on-line Mortgage Search Engine and portal website called LoanPage. (1996-1998) During this period, Web Hosters also became the first Microsoft FrontPage Web hosting company in Northern California. Web Hosters was also one of the only 25 companies at that time to advertise and provide hosting support for Microsoft FrontPage and the only company to advertise NT hosting support for Microsoft FrontPage.

In December of 1998, ComCity, the parent of Web Hosters, introduced SalesCart and “changed the game” by introducing the first E-commerce shopping cart built directly into Microsoft FrontPage.  Using SalesCart to develop customer E-commerce websites allowed our customers a technical and economical advantage because SalesCart E-commerce websites can be created more efficiently and less expensively than other E-commerce solutions.

In 2005, Web Hosters relocated to Austin Texas so that it could provide more centrally located services and operating hours. Web Hosters also released it’s multi-os and advanced control panel hosting environment and reorganized its hosting and support infrastructure.  ComCity sold off the LoanPage division to concentrate on web hosting and e-commerce services.


Contact Us

Contact us for any pre-sales questions you have. For service and support questions, you should contact technical support directly for the fastest service.



Our policies, standard terms and conditions, and mutual obligations.



Our forms for you to notify us of address changes, service cancellations or updating credit card signatures on file.